Nutrition laboratory:
Nutrition laboratory is primarily focused on assessing the in ter play between diet
and cardiovascular and other disease risk factors. Lifestyle behaviors, especially
diet, can have a significant effect on the risk of developing heart disease. Major
components of diet that can potentially alter his risk include type of fat, level
of fat, type of protein, individual fatty acids and food-associated compounds. The
efforts of the nutrition lab are aimed at developing a better understanding of how
diet alters cardiovascular and other disease risk factors, especially in other women
and men. The Nutrition laboratory is where the students learn to prepare normal
and therapeutic diet. Students learn to prepare different types of exhibits for
health education related to Nutrition and diet therapy. Under the guidance of a
qualified dietitian, they learn to prepare normal diet and therapeutic diet for
various disease conditions without losing nutrients. Students also use this lab
to prepare different types of exhibits required to conduct various health educational